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To the Editor,
I’m not sure how much longer I can spend good money on my regional newspaper when they continue to publish political cartoons one-sided and without a scintilla of supporting evidence. Kirk, who is quite obviously a dyed-in-the-wool MAGA, shows President Biden sitting on a SUV-Sized bag of money marked “BIDEN INC.”, holding a pile of papers marked, “Family Pardons” and the quote, “Show me a man that gets rich by being a politician and I’ll show you a crook.” - Harry S. Truman.
For starters Biden pardoned his son Hunter who was prosecuted for checking a box about not possessing a firearm as a felon. A prosecution rarely ever pursued. A political hit job if there ever was one. All his infamous laptop revealed was naked pictures of our President’s son. Trump pardoned all the felons who were convicted or plead guilty for trying to steal the 2020 election; Michael Flynn, Steven Bannon, Roger Stone, Paul Manafort, and Bernie Kerik. And don’t forget the blanket pardon for the 1,500 Rioters who attacked Capital Police Officers with spears and clubs with nails and bear spray and bicycle racks; violent insurrectionists who tried to overturn the 2020 election results by interfering with the peaceful transition of power. Not just “apples & oranges”, but a crab apple & an apple orchard.
Donald Trump overcharged Secret Service Officers protecting him exorbitant rates at his hotels, and dignitaries who stayed at his Hotel in Washington D.C. His own family raked in bags of cash for deals, most exceptional son-inlaw Jared Kushner who received two Billion (with a “B”) dollars from his pal MBS of Saudi Arabia. The cartoon strikes me as one comparing an armored car robbery with a kid shoplifting a pack of gum.
While I can appreciate that regional newspapers in conservative areas like Grant County where 88.2% supported the Republican candidates, and that political cartoons represent a graphic form of satire, when they so blatantly ignore the facts and splatter the editorial page with cartoons that are not the least bit amusing much less accurate, it might be time to seek a more balanced approach to their choice of political cartoonists. Keep in mind 11.8% supported the other guy who was never indicted, much less convicted of ANYTHING.
Frank L. Miller
Mount Storm, W.Va.
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