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WVU/Grant Memorial Hospital (GMH) has earned several prestigious awards in recent months, starting with a 5-Star Rating from the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) in overall quality and patient experience.
This rating reflects the hospital’s excellence in safety of care, mortality rates, patient experience, readmission rates, and timely and effective care. GMH was among just 381 hospitals nationwide to achieve the 5-star rating from CMS. The hospital also earned 5-star ratings for staff responsiveness and cleanliness.
The staff responsiveness rating, based on questions from the HCAHPS (Hospital Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers and Systems) survey, measures how quickly patients felt they received assistance after calling for help or needing assistance with the restroom or bedpan.
The cleanliness rating highlights GMH’s commitment to maintaining a safe, hygienic, and welcoming environment for both patients and visitors.
In addition, GMH was recognized as one of the best hospitals in the country by Money Magazine. This distinction is awarded based on the facility’s ability to provide safe, high-quality care and excellent patient experience scores.
The rankings for 2025 also consider financial transparency and the costs associated with a patient’s stay.
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Petersburg Presbyterian Church
Palm Sunday, April 13, worship service at 11 a.m. Pizza, prayer and praise, 4:30 - 6:30 p.m. in the fellowship hall. Maundy Thursday, April 17, 6 p.m. Communion service in the fellowship hall with a light meal. Easter sunrise service, 7 a.m. at Maple Hill Cemetery. Worship at 11 a.m. in the sanctuary.
Brake Covenant Brethren Church
Easter Sunrise Service, April 20, 6:30 a.m. Play, children’s program and music followed by breakfast. Morning worship will begin at 9:30 a.m. The church is located at 176 North Mill Creek Rd. at the twin bridges near Dorcas
All churches are invited to have their Easter services printed here.
Please send a brief description to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., drop by the Press office or call 304-257-1844. No charge.
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Petersburg Church Women United and the Ministerial Association are sponsoring the annual Lenten Luncheons in the fellowship hall at Petersburg Presbyterian Church.
Lunch, is soup, sandwich and dessert, will be served promptly at noon with a message provided by a local pastor, and will end at 12:30 p.m. The cost is $5. Everyone welcome.
Speakers scheduled are:
March 26 - Rev. Cheryl George of Main Street United Methodist Church.
April 2 - Rev. Craig Howard of Brake Covenant Brethren Church.
April 9 - Father Arul of St. Mary’s Catholic Church.
April 16 - Rev. David Webb of St. John’s United Methodist Church.
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The Dorcas 4-H Club held a meeting at the Dorcas Community Center on Monday, March 17.
Members enjoyed making Easter baskets and eating ice cream.
The theme for this year’s 4-H summer camp will be “Country roads, take me home.”
Club Reporter
Annabelle Moxon
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Tree canopy cutting operations will be performed on US 220 South, in Grant County, beginning today through Monday, March 31.
The work zone will be located from the Pendleton County line to Shooks Gap Road.
Flaggers will be in place to direct traffic. Motorists should expect delays and are advised to use an alternate route if possible. Exact schedule is weather dependent.
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The Grant County Family Support Center in Petersburg, is hosting a countywide Easter Egg hunt from April 1-17.
Easter eggs will be hidden throughout the county. For more details about the general locations eggs will be hidden follow the Grant County Family Support Center on Facebook.
If a golden egg is found, contact the center by calling 304-538-7711, Ext. 1, to claim your prize.
This program of Eastern Action is funded by the WV DoHs, BFA.
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Graduates of Petersburg High School who have been accepted in a nursing program to become a registered nurse with a B.S. degree may apply for the Barbara E. Veach R.N. Nursing Scholarship.
The applicant must have documentation of acceptance in the nursing program. The scholarship is based upon academics and character and is awarded by the Veach descendants, in coordination with the Session of the Petersburg Presbyterian Church.
The scholarship is in the amount of $1,000 and is granted for one year. Applicants must contact Jo Ann Harman, Clerk of Session, at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or 304-703-2059.
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Hunters will see new regulations being put in place this deer season
The West Virginia Division of Natural Resources (DNR) issued a warning last week that the containment area of Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD) has been expanded following the discovery of an infected deer in Grant County.
According to information released by the DNR, the county has been considered inside the containment area in the past only due to its proximity to past cases and this is the first confirmed case inside the county.
“Grant County has been part of the CWD containment area since 2015 because of its proximity to affected counties,” said Paul Johansen, chief of the WVDNR’s Wildlife Resources Section. “While there is no evidence that CWD is harmful to humans, it is important that hunters abide by the carcass transport regulations to reduce risk factors that may affect our deer population.”
According to the DNR, Grant County is the first new county where CWD has been detected in wild deer in the state since 2023, when cases were identifi ed in Jefferson County. Previously, CWD cases were detected in Berkeley, Mineral, Morgan, Hardy and Hampshire counties.
Due to this discovery, the DNR said that some new restrictions will be put into place during the upcoming deer hunting season.
To reduce the risk of further disease spread, the DNR has implemented restrictions on baiting and feeding deer and on transporting high-risk carcass parts out of the CWD containment area. Transport restrictions for Grant County will take effect during the 2025 deer hunting season.
Additionally, as a proactive measure, baiting restrictions will be implemented in Pendleton County during the 2025 deer hunting season. Feeding restrictions are currently in effect. While CWD has not been detected in Pendleton County, its close proximity to known cases of the disease makes risk mitigation efforts critical.
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West Virginia Hub’s Director of Community Engagement, Amanda Workman Scott, Carla Kaposy and Suzanne Park represented the state and Petersburg during a recent National Association of Counties event held in Washington, D.C.
photo courtesy of suzanne park
Petersburg was one of only seven communities in the nation to participate in a Washington D.C. based event designed to discuss and highlight areas of the country that have been impacted by the coal industry.
On February 27 the National Association of Counties (NACo) welcomed seven communities spanning 11 counties from across the nation for the second year of the “Building Resilient Economies in Coal Communities (BRECC) Action Challenge” in Washington, D.C.
The BRECC Action Challenge launched in 2023 with the support of the U.S. Economic Development Administration. Its goal is to strengthen and grow opportunities in local economies shaped by coal industries.
“The U.S. Economic Development Administration is committed to helping coal communities strengthen and transition their economies,” said Assistant Secretary of Commerce for Economic Development Alejandra Y. Castillo. “Through the Building Resilient Economies in Coal Communities initiative, we’re delighted to recognize and support the seven community teams selected to participate in this second cohort of the Action Challenge. Our first group of communities prepared innovative plans and projects to drive their regional economies forward, which serve as inspiring models for those joining the initiative. The newly selected teams represent the resilient, entrepreneurial leadership that is needed to help coal communities across America build and access new, sustainable opportunities for growth in the years ahead.”
The 2024 BRECC Action Challenge communities included: Campbell County, Wyo; Forest County, Pa; counties of Mason, Tazewell, and Peoria, Ill; counties of Montrose and San Migual Colo; Monroe County Ga; Somerset County Pa; and Petersburg, Grant County W.Va
At the end of February, BRECC culminated in two major events hosted in Washington, D.C., to honor and highlight the efforts of community teams and leaders. Local leaders from coal-impacted communities across the nation gathered to share their learnings, economic diversifi cation plans, and strategies for collaboration.
Representing members of the Petersburg team in Washington, D.C. and presenting the BRECC 2025 Action Challenge Capstone were Carla Kaposy and Suzanne Park.
“So many people and organizations have been part of this year long journey – both locally and on the national level. We were supported by a wonderful mentor from The WV HUB, the other six communities from across the United States and our local team,” said Kaposy, Executive Director of the Grant County CVB.
Unable to make the trip to Washington, Sarah Moomau, Recorder for the City of Petersburg, cheered her team on from home. “The Seneca Rocks Economic Development Authority helped pave the path for our Action Challenge plan along with the ongoing Main Street to the Mountains Hike and Bike Trail proposal we have been working on with the Mon Forest Towns program. We have so many exciting projects in our community and will benefit greatly from the expertise and support from the BRECC Action Challenge.”
It was a year of Zoom meetings, research, local information gathering, exchanging ideas and building a presentation for the Washington meetings. Held in the National Association of Counties building complex, all seven groups shared the vision for their communities, their challenges, and identifi ed their needs. While the Petersburg Team was the smallest group, their issues were much like the other groups presenting.
“Infrastructure needs, finding workers, redefining economic development strategies, and housing issues were some of the top challenges we are all struggling with,” stated Park, Community Collaborator for Potomac Valley Transit Authority. “We learned so much, were able to network and met people that will become resources for us as we continue to develop our plans for economic growth.”
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Clearway representative Callie Taylor Dayton appeared before the commission last week to update the county on an upcoming wind turbine project that will construct more than 30 new structures in Grant County and Tucker County.
During her presentation, Dayton explained that the Catamount Wind Farm Project, which has been permitted and approved by the West Virginia Public Service Commission, will be constructing 36 new turbines in the Bayard area with a small section extending into Tucker County. The project is located just south of the town of Bayard.
The project has been through a few alterations since its initial planning, with the original plan being to construct over 100 turbines. This number later dropped to approximately 70 turbines before being officially settled at 36.
According to Dayton, the Catamount Wind Farm and the Mount Storm Wind project will have brought over $1 billion worth of investment to Grant County by 2027.
“We have secured all of the landowners for this project and have good partnerships there,” Taylor said. “We are also thrilled to have recently executed MOU [memorandum of understanding] with West Virginia Building and Construction Trades, as we have previously with all of our other projects. So these will be local construction jobs. Basically, what will happen is the folks will transfer from the Mount Storm repower project straight into Catamount. So it will be continuous work over the next several years, which is really exciting.”
Dayton told the commission that the Catamount project will generate over $30 million in taxes for the county over the life of the project.
“But what I am most excited about is the impact this will have on our community benefi ts packages, which you all are familiar with,” Dayton said. “Mount Storm, as we have discussed previously, has an annual amount of $120,000 of benefit funds for the community and Catamount will have an additional $50,000 to add into that.”
Read more: Commission hears update on new wind turbine project near Bayard
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A fatal ATV accident on March 12 has left the community in mourning after the crash claimed the life of a four-year old child and left two others in critical condition.
The accident is being investigated by the West Virginia State Police and took place last Wednesday evening.
According to information reported by the WVSP, the incident occurred on a power-line right of way near Petersburg at approximately 7:15 p.m.
During their investigation of the scene, officers noted a 2023 Can-Am Defender ATV on its side.
The three juveniles involved in the accident were rushed to the hospital in critical condition.
Read more: One child killed, two injured in tragic ATV accident
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A Petersburg woman is facing felony charges after allegedly stealing a leased vehicle that she had borrowed from a friend.
Veronica Danielle Tingler, of 514 Franklin Pike, Petersburg, has been charged with grand larceny after the alleged victim reported his leased 2021 Ford Escape Sport ECO stolen to the West Virginia State Police.
According to the police report filed on the incident, the victim told officers that he and Tingler were friends and that she had been having trouble with her older vehicle.
To help her out, he offered to let her use his vehicle for a week in October 2024.
The victim told officers that they had originally agreed to let Tingler use the vehicle for the next week but he had explained to her that the SUV was a rental so he would need it back after that time.
The victim told officers that he had multiple conversations with Tingler about needing to return the vehicle, explaining that he would get in trouble with the rental company if the SUV was not returned soon.